Shaping the future of gaming
Gaming has come a long way from the humble beginnings of Pong, but where is it headed now?
August 30, 2022

Fast Forward into the future of gaming. 

We’re pretty big fans of ping-pong at Bravado, we have our own table as you walk into our Facility! But it isn’t just us who love it, I’m sure that Allan Alcorn loves it just as much, though he might be biased towards his version of the game. Pong was created just under 50 years ago and is regarded as one of the first-ever video games. The classic game where you have two paddles on either end of the screen bouncing a digital ball between them is something every gamer has inevitably stumbled across at some point in their life, and we have come a long way since. From the square and long squares of pong to the now photorealistic graphics of today, technology has gotten faster, smaller, more efficient, and more widely adopted. Looking into the future of gaming and what it holds for us is exciting to think about, especially as devout gamers ourselves.

The fastest growing form of entertainment

Gaming is the fastest growing form of entertainment, with the gaming industry turning over roughly 180 billion USD in 2021 and over half of that thanks to the mobile sector alone. That makes up more than both console and PC combined. Our phones are powerhouses compared to the tech we had available decades ago. The rapid advancement in technology that we’ve experienced in the past 50 years is arguably one of the most important factors to note when thinking about how the gaming industry has been able to develop as an art form in such a relatively short amount of time. 

"Yesterday we were scrimming in a hotel room while sleeping under our desks because of the lack of space. Today, we’ve seen the ecosystem develop so drastically and so effectively allowing us the opportunity to be treated as real, sports celebrities. And I really mean it."
- Ahmed Mosaad, Bravado MEA Division LEAD

The size of the device

People often cite Moore’s law, the idea that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit will double every two years, whenever the advancement of technology is discussed. Exponential growth in computing power. These days chip makers like Intel and device developers like Alienware are able to create minute powerhouses for a flawless experience. 

"It’s beyond comprehension that you do the things that you can do today with the sizes of devices that are available to use today."
- Barry Louzada, founder of Mettlestate 

The benefits of the reduction in the size of the processing power available to us are immediately apparent when you turn to your cell phones. We are in a day and age where we can play games like Fortnite on a 120hz display whilst on a train, and we can pocket it immediately afterwards. It wasn’t so long ago that high refresh rate monitors for gaming were considered a luxury and only really for the most serious of competitive gamers. It’s not only advancements in mobile technology which has made gaming such a fascinating world to look at, but VR as well. We’re seeing developments such as real-time eye tracking and multi-directional treadmills which are pushing these highly immersive experiences ever closer to the “full dive” worlds alluded to in Sword Art Online.

The rise of investment into gaming

This rise in gaming has caught the attention of companies such as Tencent and Savvy Gaming Group who are investing huge amounts of money into the industry, with Savvy Gaming Group dropping 38 billion USD into turning Saudi Arabia into a key global hub for gaming and esports, aiming at creating an estimated 39 000 jobs and a forecasted 13 billion USD gross domestic product for the sector in 2030. The growing esports industry has created thousands and thousands of jobs for not only the players of the games but for an expansive team behind them as the games have legitimized themselves as a sport. Psychologists, chefs, lawyers, and physicians who are all specializing in esports are working alongside the businesspeople, creative teams, player managers, coaches, marketers, and everyone else in between in progressing the “business” of esports daily. 

The fact that I am legitimately working by writing this very article intended for the gaming world is beyond awesome personally. The lack of borders and boundaries in games is one of the key benefits that make those working in the industry so passionate about it. You can be anyone behind the characters we play as in our favorite games, and no one really cares. I would not be able to say that I have made legitimate friends in countries like Denmark or Canada if it weren’t for gaming. It’s a world which can embrace the diversity of our origins. Look at the North American esports organization Evil Geniuses as proof of how inclusive our industry can be. Nicole LaPointe Jameson, a woman of color, is their CEO. That’s not something you see every day. The embrace of diversity of origin is noteworthy with the number of women we’re seeing as leaders in esports, and other gaming-related ecosystems as compared to other industries, and it’s only set to increase as gaming continues to grow.


Gaming has certainly come a long way in the short time we’ve had to enjoy it so far, and the fact that we can tell it’s only really getting started is a tantalizing prospect for many of us. Who knows what we’ll be able to play and how in the next ten, twenty, fifty years? I’m certain that we’ll be able to play the latest release of Skyrim Mobile soon! All jokes aside, the increased availability of technologies such as VR and the ever-accelerating power of devices that continue to get smaller allow for some thrilling thoughts that I’m sure all of you would also have! Who knows, we may even see an Alienware device powered by an Intel processor that can fly us to space and back, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the direction of gaming and esports continues to achieve milestones as such.  What are your thoughts about the future of gaming? The titles and devices. The crowds and stadius. We’de love to hear it all! 

About Bravado Gaming

Bravado Gaming is a Middle East & African premier esports organisation and gaming lifestyle brand serving home to some of the best competitive gamers throughout select countries in divisions such as CS2 and Rocket League. Working with world-leading brands Alienware, Intel, and Dell Technologies, Bravado continues to grow from strength to strength as they work on continuously telling inspiring stories and developing all ecosystems of the gaming industry. You can learn more about Bravado at our about page.